I have so much going through my head.  I believe I have enough ideas to share with others that I could write one entry per week, yet I don’t.  I am ashamed that I haven’t posted since November.  A lot has happened since my last post.  I traveled back to my hometown 3 times in nine weeks.  During two of the trips, I got to visit with my ailing father.  Unfortunately, my last trip was to support my mom as we were seeing dad off to his forever home.

My team at school did a fabulous job during my absence following the Christmas break.  It was comforting to have the time I need to grieve without worrying about not having power at school to start the day.  I am fortunate to work with amazing individuals.

I am still devastated by the School Board’s decision to terminate the contract of Superintendent MaryEllen Elia last week.  I’m glad I spoke before the vote, but I feel like the decision was made before anyone walked to the podium to speak on her behalf.  We have lost a great leader who cares deeply about children.  I am hoping we are lucky enough to hire another visionary risk taker to lead us forward.

This time of year gets a little crazy for anyone who works in a school.  We are starting the last sprint before the high stakes testing begins.  I am a full supporter of accountability, but there has to be a better way.  It feels like all we do is assess.  When do teachers have time to teach?  Teachers are stressed, and who can blame them.  I just need to remember to do my best to deflect any added stress away from them.  I am the buffer between them and the district, and it rests upon me to keep them calm.

I have applied to attend Jeb Bush’s educational summit in two weeks to discuss the future of accountability and choice in Florida schools.  I will have to take a personal day to attend, but it would be worth it.  The real change starts with a change in policy, and that needs to occur at the state level.  I want the chance to tell them what the day to day happenings at school are like.  They need to know, and I think I am as good a person as any to do the job.